GOES Weather Movies

I put together these movies from images available on the web. I suggest looking at the IR movies as the visible movies are dark most of the time (it being winter and all). Note that for the IR movies, darker pixels represent warmer surfaces. Also note that the files are VERY large and will likely take a while to download.

UPDATE : Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina striking Louisiana.

UPDATE : New Summer Movies

On 7/22/2005, I collected another month of images from the same web site mentioned below. These are just IR movies and they are a bit better compressed (only 47MB each!). In the west coast movie you can see the formation of convective storms everyday (note that when the land surface is black it is hot, i.e. the middle of the day). In the east coast movie you can see a hurricane strike florida and move inland about two thirds of the way through. Then another one moves west across the gulf into mexico.

The Full Earth IR data were collected from SSEC. These movies show IR images of the entire earth at a fairly low spatial resolution, one image collected every three hours and displayed at 12 frames per second, from July 19th, 2001 to March 1st, 2005!

The East and West Coast IR and Visible data were collected from the NOAA GOES-archive. These movies show IR and visible images of the East and West coasts of the continental United States, at a relatively high spatial resolution (8km pixel size), with one image collected every half hour and displayed at 12 frames per second, from January 22nd to February 22nd, 2005.